Playing Safe on the Water and Trails

Great outdoor adventures can have great risks.  We traditionally think about the risks of activities such as rock climbing, cliff jumping, and high gravity mountain biking, but what about paddling, boating, and hiking?  The Tennessee Valley Region offers adventures that are authentic.  Weather, poor…

150 Years of National Parks- A Vision Rooted in Romanticism

A vision for important lands to “be held for public use, resort, and recreation” grew out of the period of Romanticism, when artists and writers were influencing public interest in the unspoiled beauty of landscapes, wildlife, and nature.  This public interest inspired local legislative…

Earth Day 2022 Spring Clean-Up Activities Kick Off Early in the Tennessee Valley

Keeping the rivers and reservoirs of the Tennessee Valley is a mission of many grassroot organizations.  Each spring, volunteers take to the shorelines and waterways to remove trash that would otherwise continue its journey downriver to the sea. The winter lake pool months of…